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Backyard Summer Essentials: Water Edition

Backyard Summer Essentials: Water Edition


It’s only April and we’ve already started getting our first rosy (read: burned) cheeks for the summer season. We LOVE to be outside with the kiddos on long warm nights, and while we always love a trip to the splash pad (Fort Worth Zoo has the best one hands down!) when we can, most of the time it’s regular ol’ days where laundry and dishes gotta get done and the water activities happen right in our backyard! 

We don't have a pool (one day!!) but we definitely have a few backyard essentials that make fun in the sun so much easier without packing up the car and driving elsewhere. It’s been a game changer to pop up a slide or water table for the kiddos to cool off in our own space! Because let’s face it… if you live in Texas and are outdoors in the summer, water is a necessity!


We’ve had this slide for three summers now and it provides endless fun whenever we pop it up. We definitely have our eyes on some of these larger ones now that all six of the Collins & Conley crew are growing, plus us adults wouldn’t mind having a spot to sit in the water as well! Here’s a few others we have been eyeing:


Speaking of a place for the adults to go, we adore all MINIDIP pools which are also fantastic to keep your littles in the water, but out of the way of their older siblings jumping and sliding all over the larger inflatables! Plus, they’re cute! You can find two of our faves below:


When we don’t blow up the inflatables and just need some time for a cooled off activity, water tables are the way to go. We have this one and added an aquarium pump to it to keep water flowing, but you can also find tables with water pumps included! For his birthday, Beau will be getting this awesome table that folds up, sits low to the ground so kiddos can get in it, and has a slide for toys! 


We’ve tried so many sunscreens, and there are too many to choose from, so here are our go-to’s.


The swim shop has launched on our site with plenty of options for your guys and gals to play to their fullest this summer (and look the very cutest while they keep cool)! Plus, we have the cutest sunglasses & goggles to keep those little eyes protected!

Here’s to enjoying the freedom and joy summer can offer while also trying to maintain a shred of sanity & not melt in the hot TX heat!


Ashley + Sarah